
“Cramming” involves the billing of unauthorized charges on your telephone bill. These charges are for unauthorized services such as voicemail, calling plans, calling cards, personal 800 numbers, 900 services, psychic services, memberships, sweepstakes and marketing offers.

If you have been billed for calls you did not place, or services you did not authorize or use, please contact your local Nex-Tech store. We may be able to assist in removing the incorrect charges from your bill or provide you with the necessary information for filing a complaint with the proper regulatory agency.

Identity Theft

The FTC estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. In fact, you or someone you know may have experienced some form of identity theft. The crime takes many forms. Identity thieves may rent an apartment, obtain a credit card, or establish a telephone account in your name. You may not find out about the theft until you review your credit report or a credit card statement and notice charges you didn’t make—or until you’re contacted by a debt collector.
Nex-Tech values the privacy of its customers and wants to help protect you against all forms of identity theft. Because Nex-Tech requires some personal information to establish an account and to install the services, it takes a number of steps to ensure that this information is protected.
It is also important for you to take action against identity theft. Here are a few easy steps you can take to minimze your risk.

  • Protect your Social Security number
    Don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet or write your Social Security number on a check. If your state uses your Social Security number as your driver’s license number, ask to substitute another number. Do the same if your health insurance company uses your Social Security number as your policy number.
  • Treat your trash and mail carefully
    To thwart an identity thief who may pick through your trash or recycling bins to capture your personal information, always shred your charge receipts, copies of credit applications, insurance forms, physician statements, checks and bank statements, expired charge cards that you’re discarding, and credit offers you get in the mail.
  • Be on guard when using the Internet
    The Internet can give you access to information, entertainment, financial offers, and countless other services but at the same time, it can leave you vulnerable to online scammers, identity thieves and more.
  • Select intricate passwords
    Combinations of letters, numbers, and special characters make the strongest passwords. When opening new accounts, you may find that many businesses still ask for your mother’s maiden name. Find out if you can use a password instead
  • Verify a source before sharing information
    Don’t give out personal information on the phone, through the mail, or on the Internet unless you’ve initiated the contact and are sure you know who you’re dealing with.
  • Safeguard your purse and wallet
    Protect your purse and wallet at all times. Don’t carry your Social Security number or card; leave it in a secure place. Carry only the identification information and the credit and debit cards that you’ll actually need when you go out.
  • Store information in secure locations
    Keep your personal information in a secure place at home, especially if you have roommates, employ outside help, or are having work done in your house. Ask about information security procedures in your workplace or at businesses, doctor’s offices or other institutions that collect your personally identifying information.

If you would like more information about how to protect yoIf you would like more information about how to protect yourself from identity theft, or if you have think you have been a victim of identity theft visit the FTC Identity Theft website or call you local law enforcement center. urself from identity theft, or if you have think you have been a victim of identity theft visit the FTC Identity Theft website or call you local law enforcement center.

What is Nex-Tech doing to help protect your identity?

CPNI Rules
CPNI is a communications industry abbreviation that stands for Customer Proprietary Network Information. CPNI refers to your telephone service, including the charges on your bill; the services you subscribe to; and your usage data and calling patterns. In short, it is your private information about your communication services.
Nex-Tech has been in compliance with The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) CPNI rules for all telecommunications companies since December 8, 2007. The CPNI rules are designed to safeguard your information from anyone who is not authorized to have access to your account.

For more about CPNI Rules click here.

Red Flag Rules
On October 23, 2008, Nex-Tech implemented its Identity Theft Red Flag policy to protect against possible identity theft situations that threaten Nex-Tech and itscustomers.
A “Red Flag” is a pattern, practice, or activity that indicates the possible existence of identity theft. Red Flags can be revealed as alerts from consumer reporting agencies, suspicious documents, suspicious personal identifying information, suspicious activity on a Covered Account, or notification from a customer or law enforcement agency.