Seth Ritter has deep roots in Rural Northwest Kansas and offers a unique perspective on the telecommunications industry, having served in various capacities at Nex-Tech. As a CALEA compliance expert, he works with hundreds of broadband service providers throughout the United States. Seth holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and as a former small-town city council member, he understands the challenges rural America faces and its need for good broadband services.
Did you know, Nex-Tech has a number of solutions to fit your needs?
Network Monitoring with 24/7, 365 coverage so that your team can still enjoy life.
Environmental Monitoring that provides the tools necessary to monitor your network across the distance.
Marketing Solutions from a team of 22 experts that can provide award-winning creatives, strategic marketing plans, and real-time campaign metrics that focus on ROI.
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) third-party services that work to implement a comprehensive compliance program for your needs.

Checkout and download Seth’s recent conference presentations: